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Latest Results for Arizona State
1/1/25 6:05 PM39-31
12/7/24 5:09 PM19-45
11/30/24 8:30 PM49-7
11/23/24 8:30 PM23-28
11/17/24 12:00 AM24-14
11/10/24 12:00 AM31-35
11/2/24 7:30 PM42-21
10/19/24 4:00 PM14-24
10/12/24 2:30 AM19-27
10/6/24 12:00 AM31-35
9/21/24 7:30 PM22-30
9/12/24 11:30 PM31-28
9/8/24 2:30 AM23-30
9/1/24 2:30 AM7-48
WinsDrawsLoses1103 -
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Total Stake
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